Memorandum on Academic Cooperation
From April 10 – 21, 2023, the director of the National Oncology Institute, Mária Rečková, M.D., PhD, participated in meetings at the Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center (IU-SCCC) in Indianapolis, IN.
This business trip focused on mapping the possibilities of cooperation between the National Cancer Institute, National Oncology Institute and IU-SCCC.
The Memorandum on Academic Cooperation was signed between IU-SCCC and NCI/NOI in July 2022, building on long-term cooperation which started by Dr. Rečková’s first UICC grant fellowship in 2006 as well as subsequent UICC fellowships or personal meetings, as well as fellowships of Assoc. Prof. Chovanec, M.D., who moved the cooperation toward common research projects. Several expert meetings with colleagues from IU-SCCC in NCI and colleagues from NCI in IU-SCCC have taken place since 2006 within the NOI grant. The Memorandum on Cooperation from 2022 has two main initial set goals. The first is to organize a joint symposium at NCI and the second to share knowledge via foreign exchanges. The business trip which took place focused on developing these basic objectives.
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