3. sympózium na základe spolupráce Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center v americkom Indianapolise, štáde Indiana a Národným onkologickým ústavom v Bratislave
Trinásteho novembra 2024 sa na pôde Národného onkologického ústavu uskutočnilo v poradí už tretie sympózium na základe spolupráce medzi Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center v americkom Indianapolise, štáde Indiana a Národným onkologickým ústavom v Bratislave. Témou sympózia boli najnovšie poznatky o imunoonkológii. Téma bola diskutovaná americkými a slovenskými expertami, pričom pozvanie zo spriateleného komplexného onkologického centra v USA, IU-SCCC tento rok prijal riaditeľ IU-SCCC, prof. Kelvin P. Lee, ktorý je medzinárodne uznávaným expertom v oblasti liečby mnohopočetného myelómu, ale okrem klinickej práce má tiež bohaté skúsenosti v oblasti hematoonkologického výskumu, vzdelávania a vedenia prestížneho komplexného onkologického centra v USA a prof. Huda S. Salman, výkonná riaditeľka Brown Center of Immunotherapy, Indiana University s cennými skúsenosťami z dlhoročnej práce v oblasti hematoonkológie a imunoterapie, vrátane CAR T-bunkovej liečby.

Novinky z ASCO 2024
Dňa 21.júna 2024 v hoteli Park Inn by Radisson Danube v Bratislave sa uskutočnil v poradí už 16. ročníka podujatia Novinky z ASCO. Tak ako počas minulých ročníkov, aj v roku 2024 podujatie prinieslo vybrané práce z výročnej konferencie ASCO, ktorá sa uskutočnila už tradične v americkom Chicagu na začiatku leta, a v roku 2024 to bolo od 31. mája do 4. júna. Na Slovensku sme tak mali možnosť vzápätí po konferencii v USA predstaviť novinky z ASCO na Slovensku. Program bol zostavený z 3 blokov a 7 prednášok. Práce prezentovali a bloky prednášok viedli kolegovia experti v daných oblastiach onkológie.
Správa z konferencie Záznam z konferencie

NOI Forum – Statistical mammography screening audit in practice for 2023
On October 17, we organized the 2nd NOI Forum “Statistical mammography screening audit in practice for 2023” with the participation of over 120 people in the premises of the MoH SR.
Slovak and Czech experts, mainly radiologists, reviewed mammography screening statistical data. Our honored guest, leading Czech radiologist, professor Jan Daneš, presented his lecture “21 years of breast cancer screening in the Czech Republic”. He finds the journey of breast cancer screening in Slovakia to have taken a huge leap since its initiation in 2019.
In 2023, 261 malignancies were detected at certified mammography screening facilities, with the detection rate of 5 cases per 1,000 exams.
Yesterday’s event marked a special occasion – signing of the NOI Forum Declaration 2024 by the participants, requesting a coordinated and politically supported common effort in order to improve the quality and efficiency of mammography screening in the SR, increase the number of screening exams, improve their accessibility and adequate procedures according to European recommendations.
We believe that thanks to gradual broadening of the certified mammography screening facility network in Slovakia (currently there are 23) and better accessibility more and more women will come to screening mammography. There was a 32.2% participation rate in 2023 (30% in 2022). The screening is deemed successful when the participation rate reaches 70%.
NOI Forum also included awards for the 5 best facilities:
- 2nd Radiology Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University and Saint Elizabeth Cancer Institute in Bratislava
- Jessenius – Diagnostic Center a.s., Nitra
- SNP Central Military Hospital Ružomberok – teaching hospital
- Teaching Hospital Trnava
- MRI, s.r.o., Trnava
Dear NOI Forum participant, thank you for contributing to the conference by your online participation.
The participants agreed on the principles and recommendations to improve breast cancer screening via a Declaration. If you would like to support the Declaration, please press “Support” and send a pre-written email.
Your support can help us increase the quality of screening mammography by following European principles and recommendations.
Thank you.
- Audit outputs for 2023 – successes and drawbacks
- Screening programs in the EU – IARC recommendations
- Characteristics and qualitative comparison of screening mammography facilities, quality indicators
- Data records for statistical data processing of MAMO-Light/MAMO-Net Program screening exams
- Breast cancer screening statistical data processing, data from certified mammography centers for 2023
- 21 years of breast cancer screening in the Czech Republic
- Activities of the working group for breast cancer screening
- Praise for mammography screening facilities
- Processed and validated statistical data presentation – Screening and oncological diseases in the SR
- Pink October 2023
- Screening Programs in Slovakia; brief overview

An extraordinary meeting of leading professionals in health policy making, healthcare provision, research, development and education in oncology as well as patients’ organizations took place at the MoH SR on 15 December. The Stakeholder Forum within the European CraNE-JA project focused on the integration of clinical care, research, innovation and education in the comprehensive cancer center network in Europe. It also mapped out the current situation and the challenges for Slovakia in order to build a national comprehensive cancer center in Slovakia to improve care, simplify the introduction of quality diagnostic and treatment, including expert training, research, clinical trials and education on all levels.
The National Oncology Institute (NOI) within the National Cancer Institute (NCI) actively participates in the European CraNE-JA project whose main objective is to create a European network of existing and new comprehensive cancer centers, support the implementation of early detection, screening, diagnostic, treatment, survivorship care, research and training for employees in oncology while ensuring and monitoring adequate quality.
Based on the Slovak National Oncology Program’s Action Plan 3, it is necessary to finish the National Comprehensive Cancer Center at the National Cancer Institute in Bratislava and follow-up comprehensive care in cancer institutes (St. Elizabeth Cancer Institute in Bratislava, East Slovakia Oncology Institute in Košice) and a comprehensive cancer center network in order to improve access to adequate and innovative diagnostic and treatment of oncological diseases for all patients in Slovakia. Pediatric oncology must be developed in the National Institute of Children’s Diseases with a follow-up to NCI comprehensive cancer center.
More information Photogallery
On October 19, we organized the very first expert conference focused on cancer screenings after their initiation in 2019. The conference took place at the Ministry of Health of the SR.
The objective was to present current data and information and adapt the breast cancer screening program (mammography) in Slovakia for the coming period so that this Onkokontrola (“Oncology Check”) meets the highest quality criteria; that there are as many new certified screening mammography facilities as possible for an early and accessible diagnostic; and that as many women in the target group as possible undergo mammography.
Data about the prevalence and treatment of breast cancer, working at a top-level institution and prevention of unnecessary deaths were presented by leading experts from several renowned institutions including NOI. The gloomy analyzed data were associated mainly with disparities in the survival and diagnostics in Slovakia and other countries.
Awareness campaigns are a key step to raise awareness about breast cancer and prevention. Thanks to regular awareness campaigns, we can debunk myths and explain unclear information and encourage women to actively care about their health.
Despite an enormous effort of patients’ organizations, state institutions or physicians, only very few women undergo regular routine check-ups. However, prevention and early diagnostics have a profound influence on the outcome of the treatment.
Regular breast self-examination as well as screening mammography exam once in two years can detect early stages of cancer which are very well curable and can save years of high-quality life for many.
Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women but it’s not an exclusively female disease. Despite continuous advances in medicine and innovative treatments, prevention is still the key. Breast self-examination, regular mammography exams and healthy lifestyle can contribute to a lower risk of the disease.
Press release
On June 23, oncologists from around Slovakia met at the 15th annual event NEWS FROM ASCO 2023 which, as has become tradition, presents selected papers from ASCO world oncology conference. It took place at the beginning of June in Chicago. This prestigious symposium for oncologists was organized under the auspices of the Slovak Oncology Society and the National Oncology Institute. The latest findings and trends in the management of several oncological diseases were discussed by renowned clinical oncologists, experts and scientists.
All lectures are available on the website: https://mudr.online/podujatia/novinky-z-asco-15-rocnik
National Oncology Institute organized the first Clinical Trials in Oncology Workshop which took place on 27 April 2023 on the premises of the MoH SR and 28 April 2023 on the premises of the National Cancer Institute. The expert event focused on the support necessary to maintain clinical trials in Slovakia since it is often clinical trials (CTs) that provide cancer patients with the only access to innovative treatment and a chance to increased treatment effectiveness. Clinical trials currently give cancer patients hope of an improved prognosis with a possibility of long-term remission, for example in case of immunotherapy within the treatment of malignant melanoma, lung tumors, kidney tumors and so on.
NOI actively participates in recruitment and training of important clinical trials coordinators in selected healthcare facilities all around Slovakia. The Institute connects experts on clinical trials and biomedical research and helps identify areas which could contribute to effective and high-quality cancer clinical trials in our country. ”Clinical trials require meticulous coordination which increases in importance with more logistically demanding CTs, which represent the majority in oncology. That is why we, together with experts, have long emphasized the importance of working CT coordinators or entire CT sections in healthcare facilities,” underlined Mária Rečková, M.D., PhD., NOI director, and Timea Farkašová, MBA, clinical trials coordinator, NOI.
Na stiahnutie
Press release ProgramRecording from the first day of CT Workshop, 27 April 2023:
Lectures – Part 1 Lectures – Part 2 DiscussionInstructional video about the role of clinical trials coordinator:
Instructional video

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Cancer Research Foundation, the Foundation and NOI organized an expert conference PATIENT-ORIENTED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONTINUUM on 7 March 2023. The main topic was cancer research, possibilities of active participation and updates on EU Mission: Cancer. The event took place in the Slovak Center of Scientific and Technical Information in Bratislava.
Our colleague, research and education coordinator Dr. Soňa Čierniková, focused on providing equal complex cancer care including cancer research in Europe. The support of NOI for clinical research in Slovakia was presented at the event by our colleague, clinical research coordinator Timea Farkašová, MBA. Many other experts from National Cancer Institute as well as other specialists from around Slovakia participated.
All lectures are available on the website: https://www.nvr.sk/akcie/4079/