- Malignant breast tumors in Slovakia
- Epidemiology analysis and recommendations for systemic measures
- (Un)availability of cancer treatment in the SR
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine)
- Pink October – Cancer Awareness Month 2022
- Press release, 13.10.2022
- Pink October comes with new communication about prevention and screenings
- Press release, 10.10.2022
- Oncological screening programs in Slovakia
- Sestra magazine, Jana Trautenberger Ricová, 13.6.2022
- National Oncology Program SR and screening in oncology
- Webinar “Focused on Oncology” by Slovak Medical Association, Mária Rečková, 9.6.2022
- Early diagnostics of prostate cancer in Slovakia – options for population-based screening program
- 29th Annual Conference of Slovak Urology Society, Mária Rečková, 8.6.2022
- Run for Healthy Breasts
- Press release, 26.5.2022
- Oncology screening programs
- Euromelanoma Day, Mária Rečková, 4.5.2022
- Current situation in colorectal cancer screening in Slovakia and visions for the future
- Vráblik's Day, Jana Trautenberger Ricová, Mária Rečková, 25.3.2022
- Cancer will be on the rise after covid waves
- HOSPODÁRSKE NOVINY (newspaper), Mária Rečková, 16.3.2022
- Today we commemorate World Cancer Day
- Press release, 4.2.2022
- Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in Slovakia
- Robert Babela , Andrej Orsagh, Jana Ricova, Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar, Marcell Csanadi, Harry De Koning, Maria Reckova, 16.11.2021
- Pink October and Breast Health Day 2021
- Press release, 13.10.2021
- Screening programs – How can pharmacies help?
- Lekárnik magazine, 09/2021
- Cervical cancer screening has started
- Press release of MoH SR, 16.08.2021
- Impact of the pandemic on opportunistic screening
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine), 15.06.2021
- The approval of National Oncology Program Action Plans for 2021 – 2025
- Press report by NOI, 3.5.2021
- Press report by NOI, 9.4.2021
- Biobank will help to treat cancer and rare diseases
- Press report by Jessenius Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Martin, 3.3.2021
- Economic aspects of multiple myeloma: real costs associated with the disease in the Slovak Republic
- Neoplasm (Robert Babeľa et al.), 28.1.2021
- Slovak oncology needs political and financial support
- mediweb.hnonline.sk, 9.2.2021
- World Cancer Day
- Press report by NOI, 4.2.2021
- Priority areas for 2021 from the point of view of National Oncology Institute
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine)
- What kind of minister would you like?
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine), 27.2.2020
- Experts do not agree to have screenings evaluated by NHIC
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine), 5.11.2020
- National Oncology Institute and its potential for Slovak oncology
- Pharmacoeconomics XL (Mária Rečková)
- Clinical trials in the context of NOI
- 25th anniversary of cancer clinical trials, NCI (Mária Rečková, Eva Popreňáková)
- Annual Report on the State of Oncology in Slovakia in 2019
- Mission cancer, Ministry of Education of the SR (Mária Rečková)
- Oncological screening programs in Slovakia
- Preventive medicine X. (Mária Rečková, Jana Trautenberger Ricová)
- Introduction of NOI and its role in colorectal cancer screening
- Gastrofórum 2020 (Mária Rečková)
- Prepared and necessary steps for the implementation of breast cancer screening
- SPDTP conference of the MoH SR (Mária Rečková)
- National Oncology Institute and healthcare data
- Zdravotnícke noviny (Peter Kováč and NOI team)
- Accessibility of cancer treatment in 2019 and challenges for 2020
- Zdravotnícke noviny (Róbert Babeľa, Mária Rečková, Michal Mego)
- Clinical Trials Register is also the key to innovative treatment
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine)
- Evaluation of screening programs in Slovakia should not be performed by NHIC
- mediweb.hnonline.sk, 12.11.2020
- Rečková: Mammography screening continues in spite of the pandemic
- teraz.sk, 24.11.2020
- OTS Precise oncological screening data: a more efficient fight against cancer
- teraz.sk, 27.11.2020
- Coronavirus: Cancer patients continue their treatment in spite of the pandemic
- bratislavskenoviny.sk, 05.12.2020
- Experts do not agree to have screenings evaluated by NHIC
- Zdravotnícke noviny (magazine); p. 2; mt, 05.11.2020
- Clinical research in Slovakia from the point of view of National Oncology Institute
- Maria Reckova, M.D., Ph.D.
- Finding the voice
- Rádio Slovakia International, in English, 19.6.2019
- Annual Report on the State of Oncology in Slovakia in 2018
- Bratislava Oncology Days 2019 (Mária Rečková)
- Evaluation of breast cancer screening in terms of EU recommendations
- MAMMOTREN-D´2019 (Viera Lehotská, Mária Rečková)
- Research and development in oncology
- Science demands more, BMC (Mária Rečková)
- National Oncology Institute
- Maria Reckova, M.D., Ph.D.