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Nine non-governmental organizations which succeeded in the PUBLIC PLEDGE TO SUPPORT NGO ACTIVITIES IN ONCOLOGY PREVENTION project will equally divide 70,000 euros provided by MoH SR. We offer our warmest congratulations to all successful applicants. Thanks to their long-term educational activities and dedication we can fulfil National Oncology Program Action Plans for 2021 – 2025 together with MoH SR.

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We have published the fourth comprehensive annual report about the state of three organized general cancer screenings in Slovakia. Moreover, it maps the current possibilities and conditions for the introduction of new screening programs for lung and prostate cancer.

Our common goal is to reduce mortality as well as morbidity of oncological diseases via screenings, i.e., early detection of diseases in potentially curable stages.

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12. výzva o NOI GRANT

12th call for applications for NOI GRANT

From June 1 to August 31, 2024, the National Oncology Institute opens the jubilee 12th call for applications to receive NOI grants intended for short-term international fellowships with the duration of at least 1 month and maximum 3 months.

The call is open to PHYSICIANS working in oncology as well as PARAMEDICAL PERSONNEL (such as clinical psychologists, medical physicists, nurses and other workers besides physicians) who provide healthcare in clinical oncology facilities in Slovakia. This is an opportunity to gain experience and up-to-date knowledge in oncology, lay foundations for quality international cooperation and support research and development in Slovakia.

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We present to you our Annual Report on the State of Oncology in Slovakia for 2023 which focuses on clinical, radiation, hematological, pediatric, geriatric and palliative oncology. It maps out the activities of oncological societies and cooperative groups, activities in the area of experimental oncology and activities of NOI. It also includes the Report of the Institute of Research and Development of the MoH SR, a report about the implementation of National Oncology Program objectives and vision for 2024.

It also summarizes the current cancer screening programs in the SR and those in preparation. Last year, we achieved a more visible development mainly in the field of international cooperation, European projects or cooperation with prestigious comprehensive cancer centers in Europe and the USA.

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The new director of the National Oncology Institute has been Dr. Jana Trautenberger Ricová. After assuming the position, she will continue to cover the agenda of the screening coordinator. The current director of the institute, Dr. Mária Rečková, PhD., who was still at the time of establishment of NOI in 2018, is moving to the position of medical guarantor.

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We would like to introduce the latest ESMO guide for patients BILIARY TRACT CANCER. It is a rare disease, called cholangiocarcinoma, which accounts for less than 1% of all types of cancer. It is most common in people aged 60-70 years. In Europe, 0.3 – 3.5 cases will be diagnosed among 100,000 people every year. There are often no symptoms of biliary tract cancer, particularly in the early stages. However, if there are symptoms, depending on where the cancer is, they may include: jaundice, excessively dark urine, pale stools, weight loss, stomach pain, sickness, fever.

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On October 19, we organized the first conference focused on cancer screenings after their initiation in 2019. The conference took place at the Ministry of Health of the SR.

The objective was to present current data and information and adapt the breast cancer screening program (mammography) in Slovakia for the coming period so that this Onkokontrola (“Oncology Check”) meets the highest quality criteria; that there are as many new certified screening mammography facilities as possible for an early and accessible diagnostic; and that as many women in the target group as possible undergo mammography.

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Event calendar

World Lung Cancer Conference
7.9.2024 - 10.9.2024
ESMO Congress 2024
13.9.2024 - 17.9.2024
Bratislavské onkologické dni, LXI. ročník
2.10.2024 - 4.10.2024
XXXIV. celoslovenská konferencia sestier pracujúcich v onkológii
2.10.2024 - 2.10.2024
SIOG 2024 Annual Conference
17.10.2024 - 19.10.2024
European Cancer Summit 2023
20.11.2024 - 21.11.2024
6. GIT Day 2024 - save the date
22.11.2024 - 22.11.2024
13. Bardejovské onkologické dni
11.6.2025 - 13.6.2025

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